A Gamers' Gaming Getaway 
2023 website and tickets

Our Aims

A Gamers' Gaming Getaway aims to:

- Provide a welcoming place where all who love games can have fun and learn together face-to-face

- Create connections within and between different gaming traditions

- Promote game creators, designers, publishers, organisers and artists from diverse backgrounds

- Be as inclusive and accessible as possible, while recognising that full accessibilty can be challenging.

 Please let us know if there are things which you think we could improve. 

We are providing simple accommodation with full or self-catering options in a pleasant environment with the aim of fostering a strong sense community at an affordable cost.  

We have drawn inspiration from many excellent events that we have attended, such as UK Games Expo, Dragonmeet, AireCon, HandyCon, BGDevCon, KCONThe Smoke LARP Festival and others.  Whilst we don't seek to  fully replicate these, we have shamelessly borrowed ideas believing that plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery. 

We welcome feedback and everyone's contributions to help make A Gamers' Gaming Getaway enjoyable and successful.

Wellbeing and Safety

General Approach to November 2021 event

The physical and emotional wellbeing of all who attend A Gamers' Gaming Getaway is important. 

We have measures and policies in place to help ensure this but ultimately safety policies are no use without safety culture  – and that has to come from you, the participants. We ask for your support in this. 

Child Safety

While children and young adults are welcome to attend A Gamers Gaming Getaway, this event is not aimed at them.  

If you do bring children under 16, you are responsible for ensuring they are supervised appropriately. The organisers are unable to take any specific child safety responsibilities. 

First Aid

Alan Morgan, one of the organisers, will be present for immediate first aid and is a mental health professional. Please speak to him if you need assistance, and let him know if you need to use any of Blackwell Court's first aid equipment. There will also be other first aiders present if required.

Food allergies

If you have food allergies and are using the catering provided, please ensure that Chris Lab, our catering, is aware of them in good time so that he can take your requirements into account when buying and preparing food.

Content Warnings: advice for running Role Playing events 

Roleplaying  events, whether live or tabletop, that run at A Gamers' Gaming Getaway should use content warnings, so that prospective participants can form a good idea of whether or not the LARP or TTRPG will be suitable for them. Content warnings should cover any material that may be upsetting to participants. 

Content that might require warning could be something described in a character’s past (eg. they once had an abortion), or something that may happen or may be played on during the LARP/TTRPG (eg. they are currently pregnant); and it could be relevant to all characters (eg. all are under sentence of death) or only to some of them (eg. one of them has a terminal illness). These different possibilities may affect participants differently. Please make your warnings clear about which of these are applicable. Even if this content is secret from other characters within your ​LARP/TTRPG in general, please still be absolutely transparent in warning about it, so that participants are giving fully informed consent. (If you do have content that will be relevant only for some characters, then you must give participants the chance to opt away from those characters, either in advance, with a casting questionnaire; or during if you are using a workshop when characters will be created.) 

Please also use warnings about structural elements of LARPs which some players may find difficult, eg. “this LARP will involve loud noises and flashing lights”, “this LARP will require you to go on a simulated date iwith a fellow-participant”.  Please also be clear about general accessibility requirements for LARPs so that prospective participants are clear whether it may be suitable. 

Here’s an example of the kind of content warning used for an event run at The Smoke LARP Festival (whose guidance we have adapted).

Supporting good causes 

A Gamers' Gaming Getaway believes in raising charitable funds to support good causes.  In 2021 we donated:

 £1125 to The Honeypot Children's Charity
£187.50 to  the Chrysalis Youth Enterprise Network
£100 to enable children from an Internally Displaced Persons camp to attend the African Boardgames Convention (AB Con)   

Our main charity in 2021 was The Honeypot Children's Charity who are the UK's national young carers’ charity. Their countryside respite breaks, and range of support services give young carers, with responsibilities beyond their years, the chance to be a child again – because you only get one chance of a happy, fulfilling childhood.

Many thanks to our Gold Sponsors Brittannia Game Designs for nominating the charity and also donating 10% of their sales at A Gamers Gaming Getaway to The Honeypot. 

A little game about our logo

M​any of us like puzzles and challenges, so here's a game to try before the event.

There's lots of symbology and many hidden meanings within our logo. See how many you can come up with (here are some hints if you need help to get started), and then compare with  our 21 hidden meanings.  

Please let us know if you find ones we've not noticed. If you come up with twice as many, you'll be a 'Geeky Geek Gamer' and win a prize for getting a geek goal!