A Gamers' Gaming Getaway 2022 will run from 5pm
Thursday 17th to 4pm Sunday 20th November 2022.
Photography: An official photographer will be taking photos during the event, some of which may be posted on social media. Please let him (or one of the organisers at the reception desk) know if you'd rather not appear in any photos.
Arrival/departure times: The event officially begins at 5pm on Thursday which is when the reception desk will open. The organisers and some exhibitors will be on site setting up from early afternoon. You may arrive from 2pm if you wish, but if so you may get asked to help set things up and may not get the organisers' full attention. Gaming will open in the Group Room and Manor House whenever setting up is finished. Please do not start playing games whilst others are still working to get the event ready. Note that we won't be able to tell you your room, give out lanyards/badges, or register you onto scheduled events until the reception desk opens.
The event officially finishes at 4pm on Sunday. We need to be off-site by 5pm. So if you are still around after 4pm you will be asked to help in clearing up so that we leave the venue clean and tidy.
(last reviewed 5/11/21)
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